[PATCH NOTES] - VER. 0.6.0

+ Added Clouds in the background that help guide the player towards platforms and mushrooms in Shroomy Swamp.
+ Added Floating Ability.
+ Added Dash Ability.
+ Added Wind Streams that can push the Player.
+ Added new level (Sugary Skylands).
+ Save points now give the player 3 health upon interacting with them.
+ New Camera System has been implemented, it follows the player a bit better and it now focuses less on useless areas of the screen such as floors, walls or ceilings.
+ Added options for framerate caps and VSync.
+ Optimizations to the game have been made so it's now easier to run on lower-end hardware good framerates.
+ Added new splash screen with my creative name (Jarts57).
+ Added Xbox controller compatibility (only works on Windows now, I'll be adding MacOS compatibility in a later update.).
+ Added walking animation for one of the game's secret characters.
- Tweaked ground collision while grounded, Raylep won't slip off platforms anymore!
- Tweaked wall sliding speed, Raylep falls down walls slower now.
- Made some of the moving platforms in Shroomy Swamp a bit bigger.
- Tweaked some of the spike placement in Shroomy Swamp.
- The mouse cursor is now hidden while the game's running and the game's window is selected.
- The cursor in the shop now moves at a faster pace.
- Changed one of the secret character's interactions.
- Post-processing is disabled by default as it doesn't run well on lower-end hardware.
- Changed the game's music in Shroomy to another track that fits the NES style better.
- I've had to remove Nintendo Switch Pro controller compatibility to add Xbox controller compatibility, which is far more common for PC gamers. (Yes, my controller implementation is kind of jank to be honest :/.)
- Menu scrolling speed isn't tied to framerate anymore.
- Gemstones and health potions won't appear when you get hurt by enemies anymore.
+ A survey for the game has been made. It's prupose is to collect data on player satisfaction for a school project that involves this game. It can be accessed through a .txt file on the .zip folder provided with the game or rather through a QR code in the main menu. It's available in two languages, English and Spanish.
+ The game now comes with a small instruction manual with a controls diagram and some game mechanics explained.
Get The Eyebroadening
The Eyebroadening
The retro inspired title where one eye is more important than it looks.
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